11 Best Snakes for Beginners That Are Easy to Care For

Despite the common myth, snakes can actually be great pets–especially if you’re into unique, intriguing animals. For those ready for a long-haul pet relationship, snakes are a great pick, living up to 20 years. But remember, choosing your first snake can be tricky; it should match your care & handling skills.

pet corn snake

Snakes – with their diverse species and intriguing adaptations – have been captivating humans for centuries. Do you know snakes are present in nearly every corner of the globe? From the vibrant colors of the corn snake to the majestic beauty of the ball python, each species has its own:

  • Unique characteristics
  • Habitat preferences
  • Food requirements
  • Interact with humans much differently than warm-and-fuzzy pets do.

However, not all these captivating creatures are suitable for novice snake keepers. As a beginner, it’s crucial to start your snake-keeping journey with a species that is forgiving of minor mistakes and easier to handle. That’s where the docile and easy-to-care snake species come into play. Whether you’re a first-time snake owner or someone looking to expand their scaly family, these snake species will make the perfect companions for you. These snakes have earned their reputation for being friendly, low-maintenance, and adaptable, making them ideal companions for beginners.

So, without further ado, let’s jump right in.

11 Best Pet Snakes for Beginners

There are roughly over 4000 species of snakes in the world, so would-be snake owners have a number of options available to them. However, the vast majority of these species are difficult to care for and best left to experienced keepers.

Beginners should stick to those species that are docile, easy to feed and remain relatively small. Additionally, beginners should only acquire snakes that were born and bred in captivity, as wild-caught snakes often present a number of challenges.

To assist novice pet parents in their decision-making process – here’s some introductory information about the best snake species. While this can help narrow down choices, it’s crucial to thoroughly research and educate oneself before making a purchase.

Some of the best species for beginners include the following:

1. Corn Snakes

The corn snake – see article’s main picture – (Pantherophis guttatus) has been one of the most popular species among snake keepers since people began keeping snakes as pets. Corn snakes are typically docile, hardy and they rarely present feeding difficulties or health problems. Corn snakes do require a rodent-based diet, but they remain relatively small (most individuals are about 4- to 6-feet-long).

2. Ball Pythons

pet ball python
Ball pythons are calm and considered to be the best python for beginners.

Ball pythons (Python regius) are likely the best python for beginning snake keepers to maintain. They are typically quite calm, who rarely bite. Instead, they prefer to bury their head in their coils when frightened. Captive bred individuals are typically very easy to feed, and they are available in a wide variety of color varieties, including albino, hypomelanistic and others.

3. Rosy Boas


Unfortunately, rosy boas (Charina trivirgata) are not as commonly seen in pet stores as corn snakes or ball pythons are. Nevertheless, they make very good pets, especially for beginners. Rosy boas are very attractive, and they are generally undemanding captives. Most are quite tame and don’t present problems at feeding time, once they’ve begun taking food regularly.

4. Garter Snakes

garter snake
Garter Snake are pretty common in North America, they also make good pets.

Garter snakes (Thamnophis spp.) are familiar to almost everyone who’s spent time outdoors in North America, and it turns out that they often make good pets too. There are a number of garter snake species on the market, but most are relatively similar. They primarily differ in terms of color pattern and food habits. Common garter snakes, for example, will typically live on a fish-based diet, while others prefer to eat worms.

5. House Snakes

House snakes (Lamprophis spp.) are interesting snakes from Africa, who make fantastic pets. House snakes usually don’t bear bold colors or patterns, but they have very mild, easy-going temperaments and are usually very easy to feed. Additionally, if you’d like to try breeding snakes, house snakes are one of the best choices for beginners.

6. Ringneck Snakes

ringneck snake
Ringneck snakes will make great small pet snakes.

Ringneck snakes (Diadophis punctatus) are very small snakes, who are generally brown to black, with a yellow to red belly and matching ring around their neck. They typically feed on elongate ectotherms, which means keepers can usually feed them an earthworm-based diet. Ringneck snakes do have a mild venom, but only the largest individuals can effectively bite humans.

7. Brown Snakes


Brown snakes (Storeria dekayi) are very commonly encountered around human habitation, so it shouldn’t be surprising that they also make good pets. Small and mild-mannered, brown snakes are usually a great choice for beginners, and they can subsist on a diet of earthworms, snails, and slugs. It may, however, be difficult to find captive bred individuals on the market.

8. Green Snakes


Green snakes will thrive on an insect-based diet.

There are two species of green snake that are available to hobbyists: the smooth green snake (Opheodrys vernalis) and the rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus). Both make good pets, remain pretty small and will thrive on an insect-based diet. However, while they are rarely aggressive, they can become stressed if handled too much.

9. Water Snakes

water snake
Water snakes can be fed with fish and frogs.

Water snakes (Nerodia spp.) aren’t especially popular among snake keepers, as they require relatively complex habitats, and they often have foul temperaments. Nevertheless, water snakes are occasionally quite attractive, they reach moderate yet manageable sizes, and they are easy to feed. Most water snakes consume frogs or fish.

10. Children’s Pythons

The children’s python (Antaresia childreni) is a small Australian species that is sometimes kept as a pet. Children’s pythons are normally rather tame, although young individuals may be nippy. Young children’s pythons can be difficult to feed, so beginners should try to acquire a juvenile or adult specimen to avoid these problems.


11. Sand Boas

Sand boas (Eryx spp.) are small boas who are much easier to maintain than some of their larger cousins are. Most sand boas are relatively tame, and they are typically easy to feed. Some species are quite colorful and attractive, but they do spend most of their time buried beneath the substrate. There are several species of sand boa on the market, but Kenyan sand boas (Eryx colubrinus) are the most readily available.

12. Kingsnakes

pet kingsnake
Most kingsnakes stay small and make great pet snakes for beginners.

There are a number of different kingsnakes (Lampropeltis spp.) available to snake keepers, and most make pretty good pets. A few kingsnake species grow large enough to present challenges, but the vast majority remain less than 4 feet long. Kingsnakes typically eat rodents in captivity, but wild individuals consume just about anything they encounter, including snakes, lizards, rodents, frogs and other animals.

Snakes To Avoid As First-Time Owners

Many snakes are bad for keeping as pets. They’re the worst pet snakes for beginners because they’re unfriendly and very aggressive, and they like to bite humans. Also, some snakes need special conditions that are hard to provide in captivity. Here are ten snake species that make the worst pets.

Reticulated Python

Reticulated Pythons are massive snakes that can grow as long as 20 feet or more (max recorded length is ~33 feet), just like African Rock Pythons. You need a lot of room for them, and they don’t like people touching them. They get spooked easily. Here are some reasons why you should never get a Reticulated Python as a pet:

  • They’re too big for most homes. You’d have to spend a fortune on a cage for them.
  • They’re not friendly or cuddly. They don’t care about their owner at all.
  • They only eat live food. You’d have to buy them live rats, smaller primates, chickens, rabbits, or pigs to feed them.
  • They’re at the top of the food chain & are dangerous. They can kill you if they want to.
  • They do not remain healthy throughout their life. They get all kinds of problems like breathing trouble, skin issues, blockages, bugs, and injuries from their food.

So, do yourself a favor and don’t get a Reticulated Python. They’re more trouble than they’re worth.

Green Anaconda

Green Anacondas are giant snakes that live in marshes, swamps, and slow-moving streams. They’re not fit pets for anyone, especially beginners as they need proper veterinary care & advanced husbandry techniques. Here are some reasons why you should steer clear of Green Anacondas as pets:

  • They’re very heavy – up to 550 pounds. They need a lot of food in captivity, such as live rodents, small birds, etc.
  • They’re very messy. They need a large water tank that you have to clean often, because they poop and pee in the water.
  • They’re very aggressive. They can bite or squeeze you anytime, especially if they feel threatened or hungry.
  • They’re very tough to care for. They often have parasites and bacteria that can harm them or you, such as salmonella or mites.

Green Anacondas can live in captivity, but they’re not the best snakes to keep as pets.

African Rock Python

African Rock Pythons are huge snakes that can grow up to 20 feet. They’re native to Africa and prefer warm and humid habitats. They’re not good pets for beginners or anyone else because:

  • They’re very aggressive and moody. They can be dangerous, especially if you have kids. They have a previous history of attacking humans & can bite or squeeze you if they feel scared or annoyed.
  • They need a lot of food. The bigger they get, the more they eat.
  • They get sick easily. They often have infectious diseases and parasites. External parasites can easily attack them even if they’re born in captivity.
  • They have breathing problems and can get pneumonia & other respiratory disorders. When they get sick, they don’t recover quickly.

Boa Constrictors

Boa constrictors are bad pets for anyone. They’re big snakes that can grow up to 13 feet long. They kill their prey by wrapping their body around them and squeezing them. They get their name from their hunting method.

  • You should never go near Boa constrictors when they’re eating, because they might think you’re food. They squeeze whenever they feel scared or excited by something.
  • Boa constrictors are dangerous for kids, because they can overpower them easily. They’re killers that don’t care about you or anyone else.
  • Boas can swallow anything they catch, like birds, lizards, rodents, squirrels, or bats. They have jaws that can stretch wide enough to swallow large prey as a whole.
  • Boa constrictors are not friendly or loyal. They can hurt or kill you, even if you feed and care for them.

Below you can see the video where a Boa Constrictor attacked its owner.


Flying Snakes

Flying snakes (Chrysopelea) are nervous animals who don’t like handling because it makes them stressed. Flying snakes are active during the day, so, keeping them as pets is not fun. Flying snakes are imperfect pets for anyone because:

  • Feeding them is hard because they prefer eating lizards, smaller snakes, frogs, mice, and rats.
  • They don’t like living in captivity. They prefer living in the wild, where they can hunt from tree to tree.
  • The other reason Flying Snakes are bad to keep as pets is that they are mildly venomous. They have fangs at the back of their mouth that they use to inject venom. When they feel scared, they bite. Although non-fatal, the bites from these snakes cause pain and swelling.

Here’s a case study of a student bitten by a flying snake.

Although flying snakes don’t need much care, they’re not fit to keep as pets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Snakes Good Pets?

The answer to our primary question is a qualified “yes,” depending on your definition of “pet.”

Let me explain:

Snakes will not interact with you in the same way that a dog does. They’ll never fetch your slippers nor want to accompany you on a trip to the park. They won’t bond with you emotionally or become a lifelong friend in the same way canines and cats may.

In actuality, snakes are more akin to birds or fish. Some tolerate occasional interaction, making them a bit like a cockatiel or similar bird, while others would prefer if you never touched them. Such snakes are a lot like pet fish. They’re certainly interesting and rewarding animals to live alongside, but you won’t directly interact with them much.

But, snakes also exhibit a number of advantages over dogs, cats, and other traditional pets. For example, your snake will never become bored, frustrated or lonely if you don’t pay him enough attention. Your snake won’t miss you while you are gone, nor will he require a large yard – he’ll live almost entirely inside his habitat.

Snakes are also much cheaper to feed than dogs or cats of similar size are, as their cold-blooded metabolisms operate at only a fraction of the speed that a dog’s or cat’s does. And although sick or injured snakes will require veterinary care, they won’t need regular vaccinations or checkups.

So, while snakes may not be affectionate companions who become members of your family, many make very rewarding pets.

What About Those Teeth? Are Any Pet Snakes Friendly?

One of the leading reasons that would-be snake owners are reluctant to acquire a pet snake is the fear of being bitten. This is certainly understandable, as nobody wants a pet that greets them with a mouth fall of sharp teeth and snapping jaws.

Fortunately, there are a number of snake species – including several that make good pets – which are typically regarded as docile and uninclined to bite. But, you can never guarantee that a snake won’t bite, and even the tamest individuals can have bad days.

Nevertheless, the following species are typically unlikely to react adversely to being handled:

Note that bites from small snakes (those less than about 3 feet long or so) rarely cause serious injuries. In fact, a run-in with a rose bush will cause much more pain than a small snake bite will. Most small snake bite wounds will heal in a day and require little first aid aside from a bit of warm soapy water.

Are Snakes Hard To Take Care Of?

If you want a snake as a pet, you should know that some snakes are easier to take care of than others. It all depends on what kind of snake it is and what it needs to be happy and healthy. You should do your homework and find out as much as you can about the snake you like before you bring it home.

Snakes can live for a long time, so you have to be ready to commit to them for years. You can ask the pet store staff for advice and tips on how to care for your snake, and also check out some books and websites about it.

The most important thing is to make your snake feel at home by creating a similar environment to where it comes from. Snakes live in different places in the wild, like grasslands, swamps, forests, or deserts. You have to find out what your snake prefers and provide the right temperature, humidity, and food for it.

For Example
Some snakes need a warm and moist habitat, while others need a dry and cool one. Some snakes eat rodents, while others eat insects or eggs. You have to match your snake’s diet to its natural one as much as possible.

Easiest Snakes To Take Care Of

Snakes are fascinating creatures, but they can also be intimidating and challenging to care for. Some snakes are large, aggressive, or have special dietary or environmental needs that can make them unsuitable. Luckily, there are also plenty of snakes that are easy to take care of. These snakes are usually small, docile, and have simple requirements. The leading factors which determine how easy to take care of a snake are:

  • Temperament: Some snakes are more docile and friendly than others, and will tolerate handling better. A snake that is aggressive, defensive, or prone to biting or musking is not ideal for you.
  • Size: Smaller snakes (2-6 feet) are easier to handle and house than larger ones, and they also need less food and space. You don’t want a snake that can grow too big for your enclosure or your comfort level.
  • Feeding: Some snakes are more willing to eat frozen/thawed prey items, which are safer and more convenient than live ones. Having a snake that is picky, fussy, or refuses to eat regularly can be hard to take-care.
  • Housing: Some snakes have simpler requirements for their enclosure, such as temperature, humidity, lighting, substrate, and enrichment. On the other hand, a snake that needs a complex or expensive setup that is hard to maintain.

Based on these factors, here are some examples of pet snake species that fit the bill:

  • Corn Snake
  • Ball Python
  • Rosy Boas
  • Children Pythons

Small Pet Snakes That Stay Small

Several snake species usually remain relatively small (less than 3 feet in length). A few of the most notable examples include:

  • House snakes
  • Ringneck snakes
  • Green snakes
  • Brown snakes
  • Sand boas
  • Garter snakes

For a variety of reasons, small snakes generally make better pets than large snakes do.

For example, snakes will live most of their lives inside an enclosure of some type. And while snakes don’t require as much space as many other animals do, their space needs are not insignificant. This means you must make sure your home is big enough for a sufficiently spacious snake cage.

Garter Snake are pretty common in North America, they also make good pets.

What Pet Snakes Are Least Likely To Bite?

One of the leading reasons that would-be snake owners are reluctant to acquire a pet snake is the fear of being bitten. This is certainly understandable, as nobody wants a pet that greets them with a mouth fall of sharp teeth and snapping jaws.

Fortunately, there are a number of snake species – including several that make good pets – which are typically regarded as docile and uninclined to bite. But, you can never guarantee that a snake won’t bite, and even the tamest individuals can have bad days.

Nevertheless, the following species are typically unlikely to react adversely to being handled:

Note that bites from small snakes (those less than about 3 feet long or so) rarely cause serious injuries.

Pet Snakes That Don’t Eat Mice

Aside from concerns relating to body size or temperament, diet is another roadblock that prevents some people from keeping a snake as a pet. The majority of pet snake species require a rodent-based diet, which many people find upsetting.

This causes many would-be keepers to wonder if there are snakes that can survive eating other types of foods. Unfortunately, all snakes are carnivores, who require other animals for food. However, some pet snakes don’t require mice or other mammals for food.

Some species, for example, can subsist on insects and other invertebrates, and a few species will live long healthy lives on a diet of frogs or fish. A few such species are detailed below:

  • Garter snakes
  • Water snakes
  • Ringneck snakes
  • Brown snakes
  • Green snakes

Ringneck snakes will make great small pet snakes.

Do Snakes Bound With Their Owners?

Snakes don’t have the brain power to feel human emotions like love and affection. They don’t care about humans like dogs or cats do. They also can’t show their feelings with their faces or their bodies because they don’t have enough muscles or eyelids.

Some snake owners think that their snake knows them and like them more than other people. But why is that?

Some scientists think that it’s because ofclassic conditioning’. That’s when a human or an animal learns to react in a certain way to something.

For Example
Snakes mostly use smell and taste to find their food and tell humans apart, because their eyesight is not very good. So when your snake gets to eat something yummy, you are always there in the room. After a while, the snake learns to connect your smell with the food. Your smell makes the snake happy and excited. But this doesn’t mean that the snake has a bond with you. The snake doesn’t see your smell as a living being or as a friend. Snakes don’t have great memory or sight, so they won’t recognize your face. They only remember smells well because they use them to hunt in the wild. If you were to leave your pet, it would probably not miss you and just do its own thing.

So Which Specie You Should Own?

As you can see, snakes – at least some species – can make very rewarding pets.

You just have to make sure that you understand what to expect and select a species that is suitable to your living situation and skill level. It’s also important that you learn as much as you can about the species you choose. This will allow you to give your pet the best life possible.

Of course, this doesn’t represent a comprehensive list of the snakes that make good pets – there are many others that do too. Let us know which snakes you think we missed in the comments below and be sure to share this article with your friends if you found it helpful.

Picture of Ben Team

Ben Team

Ben is a life-long environmental educator who writes about the natural world. He’s kept and bred a diverse array of reptiles and amphibians over the last three decades, but he’s always been particularly fond of snakes in the genus Morelia and monitor lizards. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his beautiful wife and spoiled-rotten Rottweiler.


  1. hi i would like to get a gopher snake as my first snake i am wondering if there is anything i need to know or if there is a better snake thank you

    1. Hi Austin, if you’re looking for a snake that is less work and easier to care for, I would recommend one of the following snakes:

      Corn snake
      Ball python

      Gopher snakes are also good pets, but there are a few things to keep in mind if you’re considering a gopher snake as your first pet snake.

      -They can be a bit nervous and flighty, so you’ll need to handle them frequently to help them get used to you.
      -You’ll also need to provide them with a large enclosure, as they can grow to be quite large.

      If you’re set on getting a gopher snake, just be sure to do your research and make sure you’re prepared to care for one. Thanks!

  2. Hi there! I would absolutely love to get a snake and up until a few weeks ago, I was set on getting a house snake. (this would be the first-ever reptile I’ve owned) Right now, I’m thinking about considering some other options. One problem I have is whether or not I have room for an enclosure. I don’t have a specific area to put it but are there any specific species/breeds that require a relatively small enclosure?

    1. Hi Kaylee,

      I would really recommend choosing the species of snake that is right for you, rather than basing your choice on the size of enclosure. Corn snakes are by far the best snake for beginners, they are usually calm and easy to handle. An adult corn snake ideally requires an enclosure of 36” x 18” x 18”, but this depends on the size of the snake, adult corn snakes vary from 3’ to 6’ in length.

  3. i wish i could get a snake… my parents hate snakes though. i LOVE all reptiles i have a bearded dragon he’s the beeeeeeeesssssssst. if your parents won’t let u get a snake i HIGHLY recommend a beardie they’re amazing. still want a snake also though.

    1. i want to do a powerpoint on a snake though… maybe one i would get in the future (if my parents let me) i would want one that gets 4ish feet because i already have a bearded dragon enclosure. i’m fine with feeding it rodents. how much do the mice cost? my beardie already costs a lot. also maybe areboreal, i’ve seen snake that just hide and i would want one i could look at. i live in south florida and am homeschooled, so i can give it all of my attention. thx

      1. Hi Morris,

        As this is your first snake I would highly recommend you get a corn snake, they are usually very friendly and easy to handle, they are both terrestrial and arboreal and grow to between 3 and 6 feet in length. Be careful not to keep him in an enclosure that is too big as snakes are scared of big open spaces. All snakes like to hide, so make sure to give him plenty of hiding places, you can handle your corn snake but not too much as it might be too stressful for him. Mice are very cheap and your corn snake will only eat one every one or two weeks, so feeding snakes is not expensive.

    1. Hi Riley,

      I don’t recommend a Hognose snake as a first pet snake. They can have a little bit of an attitude which takes a more confident handler to tame, also they are rear fanged and have a mild venom. Whilst the venom is not strong enough to kill you, some people do react badly, causing swelling and pain. A Hognose could perhaps be your second snake once you are a little more confident with handling.

  4. The author of this page seems super helpful replying to comments, hopefully you read this.

    I’ve always loved animals, and I think I want to get a snake. I’m 16 years old, and I don’t think my parents will love the idea, but I think if it’s a snake that I can fit the tank on my desk, and it’s cheap to care for, I might be able to get one.

    Any suggestions? I’d love a snake that’s cheap and easy to feed, as well as doesn’t live for a crazy amount of time, since 20 years seems like a big investment.

    Maybe a ringneck snake? I’ve got no idea. Obviously, I’d love a big snake like a ball python, that seems awesome to me, but I don’t think that’s possible for me right now. Maybe when I grow up and move out, veterinarian is on my list of potential careers, so more animals at home sounds awesome.


    1. Hi Joseph,

      It is always best to choose the right snake for you and not base your decision purely on space, cost and lifespan. Keeping animals is a commitment for the duration of their life and living things are not something you can throw away when you become bored of them. Most snake species live over 20 years so this is quite a commitment. Snakes only eat once every one or two weeks and so feeding them is very cheap, the initial cost of creating their enclosure is more costly. For your first snake I would recommend a corn snake, they are easy to handle, usually easy to feed and don’t get too large. Check out our corn snake pages for more information.

  5. Lmao what, why on earth would you recommend having a brown snake for a pet – they’re the second most venemous snakes in the world and are extremely aggressive.

    1. Hey, Daniel.
      We’re obviously talking about Storeria dekayi, not Pseudonaja textilis. I thought that’d be obvious, but maybe I should have added the scientific name for our readers in Australia or PNG.
      Thanks for reading!

  6. I really want a snake for my birthday except I don’t know what kind I should get…. I want a snake that are gentle and friendly, and one that is not expensive. Maybe eats crickets or mice? Is there a snake that has all of those quality’s?

  7. Hi, im 12 years old and looking for a pet snake. I’ve been doing research for at least a few months. I’m looking for a cheap, pretty snake that will eat mice its whole life so I don’t have to move it to rats. i would like it to stay around 3 to 4 ft long. this will be my first snake ever so I probably need a beginner snake. I’m looking forward to holding it, so a docile snake would be best. do you have any recommendations for me?

    1. Hey, Sky!
      I applaud you for doing your homework and researching your pet before you get him or her. Great job!

      Super simple answer for you, my friend: Get a captive bred corn snake or a captive bred rosy boa.

      Either will satisfy all of the criteria you listed. Many people feed rats to large corn snakes and rosy boas, but you could certainly feed yours mice for his or her entire life. You just may need to feed two or three mice at a feeding, once your pet grows larger.

      Best of luck with your new pet!

    1. Hey, Henry.
      You should probably consider ball pythons, corn snakes, and rosy boas, among others. Just be sure that you research the species you choose before bringing it home!
      Best of luck!

  8. I’m looking for a sweet snake that’s fun to handle and good around kids. We’re all bored at home, so as long as the snake doesn’t get too big (over 6 feet), we would love to have it as a pet! I also have two girls, so a “pretty” snake would be amazing. Any tips?

    1. Hey, Lily.

      A ball python or corn snake would probably be a good choice. However, I’d strongly – STRONGLY – encourage you to avoid making a snake (or any animal, for that matter) an impulse purchase. Your snake is likely to live for a decade (and potentially several decades) – long after lockdowns have ended and life has returned to normal.

      Just make sure you think things through.

      Best of luck!

  9. I’m having some trouble here because I really want a snake and I don’t mind feeding rodents but I can’t do the grabbing of the mouse when I’m holding it if that makes sense, any ideas of snakes I can just put the mouse down and then let it eat it? Would really appreciate it

    1. Hey, Makalyn.

      There are some snakes that’ll simply pick a frozen-thawed rodent off the enclosure floor and eat it (I’ve had dozens), but this tends to be an individual trait, rather than something associated with a given species. It usually takes quite a while to get a snake to feed like this consistently.

      No judgment about you not wanting to handle a rodent – we all have things that make us uncomfortable. But, it does sound like a snake may not be the ideal pet for you.

      Best of luck!

  10. I AM DYING TO GET A SNAKE! Any1 have any suggestions? I want a snake that is for beginners, pretty small like 1-2 feet maybe 3 feet at most, doesn’t eat rodents instead eats insects and enjoys being held, any ideas?

    1. Howdy, Zestycat.

      I’m not really sure there’s a great answer for you. Most good beginner snakes will reach at least 3 feet in length, and all of the ones I can think of that will accept being handled (snakes “tolerate” being handled; they don’t “enjoy” it) eat rodents.

      Rough green snakes eat insects and remain small, but they become stressed very easily and should be considered “hands off” pets. Garter snakes will often thrive on a fish-based diet, but I’ve never found them particularly fun to handle.

      You may find a Dekay’s snake fits the bill, because they’re small and subsist on invertebrates, but they shouldn’t be handled terribly frequently either.

      I think you’re just going to have to accept a rodent-based diet if you want a snake you can handle.
      Best of luck!

    2. Hi, there are African egg eating snakes that strictly eat only quail, finch and bantam eggs
      so you don’t have to worry about rodents the males get 2-3 ft. long and the females get 4-5 ft. long I would suggest getting a female because since they are bigger they can eat the quail and bantam egg which are easier to find then the smaller finch and button quail eggs that the males eat.
      They don’t have teeth which makes handling them that much easier and they do tend to be a great first time snake! With any retile though do your research before getting one:)

    3. you might not realize it but 1-2 ft is VERY small. the typical snake you might see in your backyard (we have black racers down here in south florida) are about 5-6 feet. you can keep a 3-4 ft snake in a 10-20 gallon vivarium which isn’t very big.

    1. Hey, Lyds.
      I’m not specifically familiar with this species, so I’d urge caution. I see that some sites are characterizing them as harmless, but others reference fangs.
      I’d inquire with an authority in Southeast Asia to be sure.

  11. I’m in writing doing a persuasive letter and I’m trying to convince my parents to get me one. I don’t think I will get one. >:(

  12. My son wants a snake but he wants a phyton ,but I am looking at the length they grow and scared that it will kill us or my dog.

    1. Hi, Edna.

      There are roughly 40 living python species (depending on which authority’s list you prefer), and they vary quite a bit in terms of size. Burmese pythons, reticulated pythons, and a few others do reach very large sizes, thereby making them inappropriate for beginners.

      However, many python species remain relatively small. Ball pythons, for example, rarely exceed 5 feet in length, and they can make great pets. It may be possible for a snake of that size to injure a very small dog, but in most cases, the dog would come out on top in a physical altercation.

      Best of luck!

  13. I have / had rodents and dogs and have always been afraid of snakes. But now I am interested in getting one. I am just afraid of being bitten and it being bad I would also prefer a small snake do you have any suggestions? I also have yet to convince my parents about getting one

    1. Hi, Animal Lover!

      We are actually about to publish an article detailing what a bite from a small snake feels like, so be sure to read it once we it’s posted.

      In most cases, bites from small snakes are relatively insignificant. Plenty of common injuries – such as stubbing your toe or suffering a paper cut – hurt much more.
      I’d recommend reading about ball pythons or corn snakes. Both make excellent “first snakes,” and they’re typically quite docile.

      Best of luck!

      1. Hi ben my daughter wants a snake we’ve been looking into this for sometime now I’m just not sure which is the best for her she’s 15 very responsible for her age she has a tortoise and 4 rabbits i dont want anything thats going to grow to big but i know she would like something she could pick up and handle i dont mean constantly just when its necessary could you advice which would be the best first ownet snake to get were in the UK thank you

        1. Hey there, Teresa. Sorry for my delayed response.

          There are a number of species that would make a great choice, but the following are among the best:
          1) Corn snake
          2) Ball python
          3) Rosy boa
          4) Most types of common kingsnake

          The corn snake would probably be the best choice, but any of those should work out. Kingsnakes can be a bit nervous and flighty, but they work out great for some beginners.

          Best of luck! Kudos for being so supportive of your daughter’s love for animals!

    1. It took me a long time to convince my parents but I happen to do it you just need to find a video and stuff like that and show them to convince them. Trust me my parents were very afraid that it might kill but I went outside and saw a Garter Snake and went back in my house with it and it started to like me and I still have it to this day!

    2. OMG so true!!! My family is very steriotipical over snakes. They think just because 1 snake killed someone that every snake would kill people and I mean its sooooo FALSE!!! I LOVE SNAKES

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Picture of Ben Team
Ben Team
Ben is a life-long environmental educator who writes about the natural world. He’s kept and bred a diverse array of reptiles and amphibians over the last three decades, but he’s always been particularly fond of snakes in the genus Morelia and monitor lizards. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his beautiful wife and spoiled-rotten Rottweiler.